Friday, 20 July 2012

Book Review - Yarn Harlot: The Secret Life of a Knitter

Yarn Harlot: The Secret Life of a KnitterYarn Harlot: The Secret Life of a Knitter by Stephanie Pearl-McPhee
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Let me start out by saying that I would have pushed this to three and a half stars if that were possible here, but I just couldn't push it to a four.

Stephanie Pearl-McPhee is a knitting blogger. Yarn Harlot is, I'm guessing, scraped from blog content. That's not necessarily a bad thing; there are books of that type that I've loved, and that have introduced me to blogs that I now follow and am a huge fan of. But I wasn't expecting it with this book, and for some reason, the disjointed nature of the blog posts turned into book chapters bothered me here and there.

Aside from that, this book is actually really funny. I snorted in bed with laughter loudly enough one night to wake up a snoring husband and earn myself a dirty look. If you're a non-knitter or into multiple crafts, there's a few digs here and there; McPhee is a capital-K Knitter and doesn't abide those who crochet.

Or those who are allergic to wool, unfortunately. I wonder what she'd think of me, as I can't wear or work with the stuff!!

At any rate, it was funny. The chapters are short, and unconnected, which makes this a great book to pick up and put down in between other reads. Or during TV commercial breaks. Or when in the bathroom. Not that I did any of that, honest. It's a fast read, fairly short, and does have some great funny moments that other crafty types will relate to.

View all my reviews

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