Friday, 15 June 2012

Book Review - Home Safe

Home SafeHome Safe by Elizabeth Berg
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is an extraordinary book. Do you know why I say that? I actually got out of bed at almost two in the morning to add a quote from this book to GoodReads and Facebook. I never do that. I never add two quotes from one book either, and I've done that with this one.

Helen, a prolific author, mother of one daughter with whom she shares a strained relationship and wife to Dan, an old-fashioned caretaking husband is reacting to her husband's sudden and unexpected death. She's never taken care of herself, because she's always had Dan to take care of her. Now, thrust on her own into a world she isn't used to, she's lost the one anchor she's always had in her life - her writing.

Oh, how I relate to Helen. I suppose I am her, in many ways, in a younger form. I have a very similar relationship with my husband. I love him in the same ways. I need him in the same ways. I feel about the world outside of our happy life together in many of the same ways. I like to be home, safe, with him, under his protection and in the security of his loving embrace. I have no idea how I would cope if he were suddenly taken from me, though going on this journey with Helen gave me hope - both for her and for me - and made me ache inside.

I love this book. You should read this book immediately.

View all my reviews

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