11. The guinea pig diaries : my life as an experiment Jacobs, A. J.
12. Your big break Edwards, Johanna
13. House rules : a novel Picoult, Jodi
14. Whispers and lies Fielding, Joy
15. Full dark, no stars King, Stephen
A note on House Rules: I started reading this over the summer, but it was long, there were many people waiting for it behind me at the library, and I was caught up in gardening. I returned it, and downloaded the audio book instead. I've been listening to it for ages, off and on. I loved it, but it was an emotionally intense read, like many of Picoult's books are.
The Guinea Pig Diaries is very funny if you like non-fiction essays.
Also, I totally spaced on my FAQ page and forgot to address this one:
Why are your books formatted so oddly and why do they link to your library when half of us can't get there??
Okay, they are formatted oddly, with non title caps and the authors name backwards because I copy them directly from the "Reading History" tab of my account on the library website. That copies the link for me too, and if you click on it, you can at least check out the book. The library website has enough information, such as summaries and such, that you will know if you want to read it, even if you plan on going to buy it at your local store, or request it at a local library. And if you *are* from here, you can just click to request it, so yanno, good for you for being from Alberta. Or something.
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