Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Book Review - A Piece of Me

A Piece of MeA Piece of Me by Mechi Renee
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I took a while to review this book, because I felt bad that I couldn't in good conscience give it a higher rating. I finally went through each poem based on the goodreads program, decided whether I thought "it was okay" or "I liked it" and figured out the majority. The majority I thought were okay.

As someone who writes poetry myself, I feel for this poet. A lot of my poetry is much like hers, which is to say, honest and real and open and emotional, but not necessarily the most lyrical or well-written. This book is about coming to terms with womanhood and sexuality. It's about balancing a spiritual life with a fulfilling life loving other women. It's agonizing in places, where you can feel the loneliness and pain of the author, and it's triumphant in places, where her raw pleasure in life itself is clearly on view.

Technically, it's not fantastic poetry. But I do think that many women will relate to this poetry and will relate to Mechi and her journey in life.

*Book received at no cost through the GoodReads First Reads program.

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